XYZ 750 LR

XYZ 750 LR
XYZ 750 LR VMC fitted with the extras that you’d have thought would be standard equipment!! 20 Tool Carousel ATC, Shopmill, MPG contour handwheel and mist extraction.
Siemens 828D Control with ShopMIll
X-Axis Travel 750mm
Y-Axis Travel 440mm
Z-Axis Travel 500mm
T Slot Size 3 x 16 x 100mm
Maximum Table Load Capacity 500Kgs
Distance from spindle nose to working surface table 100 – 600mm
Distance from spindle centre to main column 500mm
Spindle Taper BT40
Spindle Speeds to 8,000rev/min
Rapids 20m/min
Cutting Feed Rates (XYZ) 1 – 20,000mm/min
Linear Rail Slideways
Max’ Tool Weight 7Kgs
Tool Change Time (T-T) 8 Secs
Drive Motor:
Spindle Drive Motor 10HP
Coolant 1/4HP
Chip Wash 1/4HP
Manufacturer | YCM |
Model | MV66A |
Year | 2017 |
Condition | Used |
Table | 830 x 410mm |
Tool magazine | Capacity 20 Carousel |
Overall dims | 2100 x 2100 x 2655mm |
Gross weight | 3500Kgs |
Name of machine | XYZ 750 LR |
Serial number | SMA10102 |